submit vt. (-mm-) 1.使服从,使顺从;使屈服。 2.提交;委托,提出,提供;请求判断。 3.认为 (that)。 vi. 服从,顺从;屈服,投降;甘受 (to)。 All important problems must be submitted to the committee for discussion. 一切重要问题均须提交委员会讨论。 I submit that he is mistaken. 我认为他是错了。 I submit that this should be allowed. 我想这是可以允许的。 I submit to being parted from you. 我只好忍痛跟你分别了。 The minority should submit to the majority. 少数应服从多数。 submit oneself to 甘受,服从。 submit willingly 心悦诚服。
submit to (六级)提交上交递交; 把...交给; 服从;屈服; 使服从, 使受到, 服从, 忍受, 顺从
Submit 1 put oneself under the control of another 他在河里淹死了
Pp samples ? submit 1 sample for each color way per style . these will be checked for correct trims , thread color , fab and fit 产前样? ?提供每款每色各一件。必须用正确的辅料,线,面料以及尺寸打样。
Corporate membership applicant shall also submit 1 ( one ) duplicated documentation of business license besides the above - mentioned documents 申请公司会籍之申请人另需同时附上公司之营业执照副本1份。
Individual membership applicant shall submit 1 ( one ) duplicated documentation of citizen id card or passport of each nominated person , 3 id photos ( 2 inches ) and 1 business card 个人卡申请人需交使用人之身份证或护照复印件一份、证件照片二寸三张(以护照尺寸为准)及名片一张。